Maintenance of solar power plants


Timely and proper maintenance of solar power plants is no less important than professional design and high-quality installation of photomodules. A comprehensive service includes not only constant monitoring of the parameters of the solar power plant, but also a number of special measures aimed at extending the life of an alternative source of electricity.

Maintenance of solar power plants: how service is implemented at Sunsay Energy

All key components of solar power plants, including high-tech photovoltaic panels, need timely service. A system designed for individual energy consumption parameters may eventually work with less efficiency due to the influence of external factors, wear and tear of components. The objective of Sunsay Energy Service is to identify and fix plant failures as soon as possible to maintain capacity, reduce payback periods, and increase the profitability of an environmentally friendly system.

The main aspects of SES service maintenance

High-quality maintenance of solar panels is one of the mandatory components of turnkey projects offered by Sunsay Energy specialists to potential owners of alternative energy supply systems. Service activities are carried out for the following elements:

  • Photomodules .
    When installing electric current generating panels, each photomodule must be checked for operability to ensure the system performance incorporated in the project. Subsequent monitoring of the parameters of photovoltaic cells allows you to identify the slightest deviations in their work. The result of a professional service is troubleshooting in the shortest possible time.

Situations often arise when the decrease in the efficiency of SES is not due to a technical malfunction of the panels, but to the accumulation of contaminants on the surface of photomodules. The result is a decrease in battery efficiency by 7-10%. At the installation stage, installation specialists pay attention to the correct placement of the modules, their easy accessibility. Timely service maintenance allows you to keep the key elements of the system clean, while maintaining their light transmission.

  • Inverters .
    Service maintenance of the electrical signal converter consists in its periodic cleaning from dust attracted by surfaces and internal parts during operation. The accumulation of dust particles is dangerous due to overheating of the device, even if the model is equipped with a fan. As a result - a decrease in the overall efficiency of the solar power plant, a reduction in the service life of the inverter.
  • Grounding elements .
    Mandatory verification of the quality of grounding is due to the safety requirements for SES as an electrical system.
  • contact groups .
    The task of the service master is to exclude oxidative processes that lead to a break in electrical circuits and a disruption in the functioning of the station.
  • Mounting of photovoltaic panels .
    The purpose of periodic inspection of fasteners is to check their reliability in order to prevent modules from being torn off the installation site during strong gusts of wind.

Additionally, as part of the SPP service maintenance, the integrity of the wiring and the process tubes protecting it is checked.

The frequency of service maintenance of SES

Service maintenance of solar power plants for a specific system, its frequency is regulated by the operating rules of the photomodules and inverter selected for the configuration. For most stations, Sunsay Energy experts recommend focusing on the following parameters:

  • In order to ensure efficient operation of the panels, their condition is checked twice a year before the summer and winter seasons.
  • If the PV modules are operated in a highly dusty environment, it is advisable to inspect and evaluate the performance monthly.
  • Servicing of the panels is planned after heavy rainfall, hail, if there is a high probability of a deterioration in the generation of electricity by the elements of the station.

Sunsay Energy offers a full range of maintenance services to owners of solar stations. The list of works includes:

  • development of an individual work schedule for station maintenance;
  • organization of continuous monitoring of system parameters;
  • cleaning and washing of photovoltaic modules;
  • diagnostics of the panel fastening system;
  • repair of inverters, smart meters;
  • supply and replacement, if necessary, of spare parts, components of SES;
  • carrying out start-up and adjustment works.

Depending on the situation and wishes of the client, it is possible to provide individual services. An application is made after calling the manager or filling out a form on the website with contact details.

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